Final fantasy status screen
Final fantasy status screen

Similarly, heavy armor must be repaired by an Armorer. For example, if a player is an Archer/Bard, they will need to reach a particular level in Weaving or Leatherworking, as these two jobs are the DoH crafters for Bards' equipment. While it's not necessary to level all of the jobs, players must progress in the job required for the kind of gear they wish to repair. There are 8 DoH jobs: Carpenter, Blacksmith, Armorer, Goldsmith, Leatherworker, Weaver, Alchemist, and Culinarian. Repairing equipment in Final Fantasy XIV requires two elements - reaching a certain level in a crafter (Disciples of the Hand/DoH) class and obtaining Dark Matter. Related: Final Fantasy XIV: How to Unlock The Astrologian Job Continue reading to learn how to repair equipment in Final Fantasy XIV. Fortunately, there is a cheaper way for players to mend gear, but the method does require more effort and grinding. Although it may seem minor at the start, the cost to upkeep the condition of weapons and armor will accumulate to tens of thousands of gil in Final Fantasy XIV. The higher level a player's equipment is, the more gil the player needs to pay for repairs. Players can find Menders on the map by looking for a hammer icon ("Repairs").

final fantasy status screen

These Menders will willingly repair any and all types of gear for a reasonable price.

final fantasy status screen final fantasy status screen

In the early stages of the game, players can take their equipment in FFXIV to NPCs with "Mender" in their name. As players complete quests and slay enemies in Final Fantasy XIV, they may notice that their equipment gradually wears out and requires repairs.

Final fantasy status screen