He does not possess a visible nose, and has six spots of moxibustion burns on his forehead, a reference to the practice of Shaolin monks. Why does Krillin have 6 dots on his head? Given that one of her parents is a cyborg and the other one is a human, Marron earns the distinction of being the only half cyborg half human in the Dragon Ball franchise. We’ve seen “androids” (according to Akira Toriyama), actual androids (think Cell), humans, saiyans, and whatever the heck Frieza is supposed to be. However, in the anime, she is referred by name numerous times throughout the Buu saga. Marron is the daughter of Krillin and Android 18 she is not identified by name until the very final manga installments, when a lot of time has passed and she has gotten much older. While ocean diving with Krillin, the Black Water Mist infects the population. Later at Kame House, she insults Chi-Chi by calling her a “jealous old lady” when she arrived at Kame House demanding where Gohan is at. Maron on Korin Tower Maron is first revealed as the girlfriend of Krillin.

Marron is between her parents in height she’s taller than Krillin, but just a bit shorter than 18. In GT, Marron now resembles her mother at age 19 her eyes now noticeably blue.